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Article: Nonprofits We Love: Rancho Relaxo

Nonprofits We Love: Rancho Relaxo

Nonprofits We Love: Rancho Relaxo

We always love to find non-profit organizations that carry the same passion and love for animals as we do. Rancho Relaxo has become a fully functioning animal rescue league and safe sanctuary for those animals that need some saving. 

Who are Rancho Relaxo?
Rancho Relaxo is a fully functioning animal advocacy nonprofit organization giving animals the voice they never had. President and founder Caitlin Cimini has dedicated her life to protecting and saving the lives of these innocent creatures.

Rancho RelaxoThis adorable little guy's name is Chester!

What is the inspiration behind the organization?
The inspiration behind the organization stemmed from an experience Caitlin Cimini had years ago. After falling in love and rescuing a mustang named Halona, Caitlin fell down a heroic path of saving and nurturing animals back to health and to a life filled with happiness. After witnessing with her own eyes how helpless animals can be, it was her mission from that day on to never let another animal fall victim to negligence and abuse.

Rancho RelaxoHere you can see Caitlin getting cuddly with one of her beloved rescued lambs

What makes Rancho Relaxo special to us?
Rancho Relaxo is an organization that lies very close to our hearts. We love the values and ideals they share on animal safety and the positive difference they hope to make in the world. Not to mention how much we love their animals.

Rancho RelaxoYou can call this stunner Lottie!

How can you get involved?
Rancho Relaxo makes it very easy to become involved and help make a difference in the lives of these animals. With just a few clicks on their website, there are countless of ways you can get involved whether that is through making a donation, becoming a contributor, volunteering, or even paying a visit to the farm.

Rancho RelaxoChester and Potato sharing some brotherly love! 


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